
Information and photo material

All information on this website is protected by copyright law and may not be used overall or partly distributed, modified or reproduced without PWS having given its consent. All images are copyrighted and may not be reproduced or used in other publications or contexts without PWS having consented to this.

It is PWS ‘ambition to keep the website updated, reliable and provided with accurate information on all occasions. However, PWS reserves the right to make mistakes in the content of this website.

Product changes and color rendering

PWS reserves the right to make the required product changes without prior notice. PWS reserves the right to discrepancies in color reproduction of the products / colors shown on the website.

External links

The PWS website may contain links to other websites. PWS accepts no responsibility for the information available today, or in the future, on any external links.

Do you need pictures or do you need to quote texts?

Should image or text material be needed for any purpose, we would be happy to assist you with this upon request,

Copyright © 2015 PWS Nordic AB, Perstorp